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EIR Scoping Meeting

A virtual EIR Scoping Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 7, 2024. In accordance with CEQA, the purpose of the EIR Scoping Meeting is for the City to solicit input and written comments from agencies and the public on environmental issues or alternatives they believe should be addressed in the EIR.

The meeting will be held in an online format using Zoom to share information regarding the project and the environmental review process. You may join, view, and participate in the meeting by using the Zoom application, by your web browser, or by phone. Register for the virtual meeting by visiting: This will provide you with a confirmation, join link, and call-in numbers. You can join the meeting by phone at (888) 788-0099 with the webinar ID: 827 4151 4127. City staff and environmental consultants will be available during this meeting. The meeting will begin with a presentation and be followed by a public comment session. The meeting will be open to the public and all stakeholders. Comments may be submitted via e-mail before the meeting at

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